
Discover the wide range of opaque liquids that we treat

The world's most efficient technology

Years of research have enabled our systems to reach all types of opaque liquids.

There are many turbid liquid products that require treatment before reaching the final consumer. Our technology facilitates this process more efficiently than any other, and does not generate chemical by-products that can alter the composition, color or taste of the final product.

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tested fluids
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Per cubic meter


Dairy products require complex treatment such as pasteurization to eliminate harmful microorganisms.

The UV light of our systems has reached the disinfection level of pasteurization and is able to reduce the microbial load in dairy products, thus prolonging their shelf life and guaranteeing the quality of the final product.


In recent years, winemaking culture has shown a growing concern for environmentally friendly winemaking. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is formed by the incineration of sulfur and is the chemical compound most commonly used by winemakers as a preservative and disinfectant.

The use of sulfites is more polluting for the environment, and can result in heavy digestions or more pronounced hangovers. In addition, the wine can lose aroma and nuances, which is why many wineries only produce sulfite-free wines.

The most obvious problem is that wine without sulfites loses its conservation capacity, making bottle maturation more difficult. Our equipment is capable of treating all types of wines by inactivating the harmful microorganisms present in their production. This makes UV technology the ideal ally of sulfite-free production, as it avoids the problems derived from the addition of sulfites without compromising preservation.

Soft drinks

Non-carbonated soft drinks are usually heat-treated or pasteurized for preservation, while carbonated soft drinks have carbon dioxide added.


The main disadvantage of this method is that due to the high temperatures used, some organoleptic properties of the product may be lost. By exposing the product to our UV technology, it is now possible to dispense with this type of treatment without losing flavor and keeping the product free of harmful microorganisms.


Juices are subject to a pasteurization process prior to packaging and marketing. As with sodas, nutritional properties may be partially lost during this treatment.

Our systems can ensure the preservation of liquid juices (without pulp) without altering the flavor or chemical composition, maintaining the properties of any treated fruit.

Sugar syrups

Sugar syrups, such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), are produced from corn starch. They are mainly processed by enzymatic hydrolysis of the starch into glucose and fructose, which are then purified and combined in different proportions to obtain the syrup with the desired consistency and sugar content.

Syrups can lose qualities of the original sugar grain when treated, so the UV disinfection of our equipment is extremely effective in this process.


In UV brine disinfection, the liquid is exposed to ultraviolet light from lamps with specific UV doses. This light affects the genetic structure of microorganisms present, such as bacteria and viruses, preventing their reproduction and causing their inactivation.

This process is fast, does not alter the properties of the brine and is effective in guaranteeing food safety by eliminating pathogens, ensuring a final product free of harmful microorganisms.

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Animal plasma

Animal plasma requires a refining process, which includes blood disinfection treatment. This process has a high energy cost and a major long-term environmental impact.

With our systems, it is possible to considerably reduce energy costs while treating animal plasma in an efficient and sustainable manner.

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